3Nagoya Castle, Japan

Erected during Japan’s Edo feudal era, Nagoya’s origins date back to the 16 th century. Immediately after it was created, a warlord seized the original structure and called it Nagoya Castle, which was later used as a strategic operations base by the Japanese military during the WWII. While a major portion of it endured damage during war, today it has been restored into a strikingly elegant emerald and white castle that attracts thousands of awed visitors.


  1. I think that castle simply did not make the cut off. But thanks for your comment and thanks for reading my stuff.

  2. Hello!
    Unfortunately we did not poll readers for this particular article. Your choice does sound familiar though so chances are it was on the list but did not make it into this particular “top 10.”
    Thanks for your support!

  3. Have been to Sant Mount Michel. Breathtaking. Would like to revisit. Know I would discover much I didn’t see first time.

  4. I must add Neuschwanstein Castle to my bucket list as something to do in Germany. Thanks so much for sharing


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