33. Northern Lights, Finland

How to even start describing this magnificent spectacle of nature? The Northern Lights or also known as Aurora Borealis has it all to commence or conclude a couples’ spree.

To say the least, the cool weather, the superlative natural lighting of stars and distinctive Lapland sites, what else would you ask for? Science revealed that the ionization and excitation of atmospheric factors cause the light of various colors and intricacy.

The blazing colors of the sky appear like it is intentionally arranged to look exactly like what it does, although it is all a gift of nature.


  • What is the best time and where to see the Northern Lights? In Northern Lapland, the lights shine best every other night from September to March. Meanwhile, if you go to the South of Finland, the skylights are visible about 10 to 20 nights a year.
  • Look for an open space with no artificial lights around to see clearly the outstanding natural phenomenon.

(Continued on next page)


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