9Stonehenge, England

Stonehenge is a treasured pre-historic place in England. It is considered a cultural icon and is one of the most famous landmarks in the United Kingdom. Archaeologists believe it was constructed from thousands and thousands of years ago. More than being a vintage place, what attracts the people to visit this landmark is the “last flash”.
“Last Flash” is the term used to refer to the natural phenomenon in Stonehenge when the sun goes down. Accordingly, some people in England believe that the purpose of Stonehenge is for witnessing the awesome sunset and sunrise. Moreover, it also a symbol of celebrating the end of the dark nights.” While waiting for the last flash, it is good to walk around Stonehenge and have a sight-seeing over the green lush and magnificent pile of rocks. Take note that Stonehenge consists of a group of huge and rough-cut stones. Some of these rock piles are more than 20 feet high and are uniquely arranged in two concentric circles. So, have a bliss but be mindful of possible debris.
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We saw the greatest sunsets on the Fiji island’s, also in the American south west.
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