7Misool Eco Resort, Indonesia

Diving enthusiasts shouldn’t look beyond the stunning private island of Misool to enjoy endless hours of diving and snorkeling within the lush 465 square mile Marine Protected Area that is encircled by a flourishing 18,000 square mile manta and shark reserve deep, nestled deep within a cluster of virtually uninhabited islands. The eco resort is located more than 100 miles from the nearest settlement, but you’ll be more than rewarded after reaching her. The Water Cottages (as they are called here) feature relaxing hammocks, and guests can enjoy rounds of diving/snorkeling near the pilings. Enjoy three guided diving sessions every day, including post sundown excursions.


  1. They all look amazing and beautiful. Are you able to email me pics and costs for the Borabora one please? Thank you and God bless Lynn

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