

16. The Hallerbos, Belgium

Nicknamed “the Blue Forest”, this popular place has literally millions of hyacinths that visitors can see along miles and miles of winding trails here. It is also known to some as “the psychedelic purple forest,” as this foreign forest becomes thoroughly carpeted with these bluebells when they bloom in the middle of April. The huge Sequoia trees add an additional enchanting element. When the birch trees start to sprout their leaves, the region darkens. Once Mother Nature throws in a bit of seasonal fog and this fairytale becomes even more mysterious.

15. The Goblin Forest, New Zealand

Photo By: Dave Horton

New Zealand’s famous, fearsome Goblin Forest does indeed remind one of something out of such fantastic films as “Lord of the Rings.” Here the trees grow around and through each other and visitors find ferns and hanging mosses wherever they wander. This forest is also known by some as the Kamahi Walk because most of the trees here are kamahi trees which start out in life perched on the top of the trunks of other, older trees. Visitors should also experience another unique feature of this foreign forest and take the brief hike to Wilkies Pools. There one will discover several popular plunge pools.



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