2The Big Dipper Roller Coaster, London, England

Opened in 1951, the Battersea Fun Fair’s primary attraction was The Big Dipper roller coaster. Although it does not appear nearly as intimidating as today’s massive monstrosities, it was nevertheless dangerous. It would be over two decades later before anyone would learn just how truly dangerous. In 1972, there was a terrible accident. As the Big Dipper’s train cars climbed their first hill an important cable snapped loose. One of the cars came free and rolled back down into the docking station at an uncontrolled speed.

The car struck five children killing them nearly instantly and injuring numerous other children and adults. This horrific incident would mark the final breath of the now infamous Battersea Fun Fair. The amusement park would close down just two years later, in 1974, because of both low attendance and the general public’s anger over the tragic accident that took five young lives. Click On the Next Button to See Next.


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