Home Florida 15 Things Adults Must Do At Disney World (And 5 For The...

15 Things Adults Must Do At Disney World (And 5 For The Entire Family)



Walt Disney World in Florida might be considered “the most magical place on Earth”, but it isn’t just for kids! It’s twice as big as Manhattan and has something for everyone. This list should help you ensure that everyone has fun no matter how old or young they are. Here are 15 Disney World must-dos for every adult and five fun family activities:

20. Epcot Challenge Around the World

 This challenge involves 11 ethnic dishes. The idea is to try to eat your way across the globe. Some of the favorites include are guacamole and a totopos in Mexico, school bread in Norway, egg rolls in China, and bratwurst in Germany.

19. Hidden Mickeys

 It began as an inside joke between the designers of the Epcot Center decades ago, but soon looking for the hidden mickeys became a true park tradition. Some Mickeys are well hidden and others are easy to spot. No one knows how many there are. (Continued on next page)



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