12Apostle Islands, Wisconsin
While Lake Superior is pretty popular with Northerners, few put this awesome archipelago on their bucket list. This group of often underrated isles offers visitors numerous natural wonders to witness. Visit during the winter months, and you can see the ice caves that form here. As previously reported, the untouched coastline is said to be gorgeous.
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Thank you for your kind words and support.
Thanks heaps for this!… if anyone else has anything, it would be much appreciated. Have you considered promoting your blog? add it to SEO Directory right now 🙂
You’re welcome. I am not in charge of promoting the website, so I do not know about that.
Every time someone posts these locations, treckers convene and the traffic grows. just leave them alone
That is an interesting theory. I would imagine though one must be constantly traveling in order to prove it. Seriously though, I would imagine that these places are protected and/or prepared for visitors. Regardless, I think you give our website a tad too much credit. Thanks though for your support.