
19. Schlenkerla Brewery And Tavern, Bamberg 

If you get to Germany too late for Oktoberfest, a visit to this smoked beer brewery in the old section of Bamberg will help make up for it.  This historic brewery is located in the heart of what some travelers call “southern Germany’s Center of Enlightenment.”  The town itself is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and its architectural style has influenced the entire country.  But again, visit for the exceptional barley beer tapped straight from the barrel.

20. Maulbronn Monastery, Maulbronn 

Also known as Kloster Maulbronn, Cistercian monks opened this monastery in 1137.  Experts report that it is one of the best managed medieval monastic complexes north of the famous Alps.  According to legend, during a long trip from Alsace, some monks stopped in this place to give their mules water.  They took a liking to the area and decided to build a settlement there.  Hence the name Maulbronn which means “mule well.”  Get it?

21. Picturesque Trier

The city of Trier is ensconced on the banks of the mighty Moselle.  It is over 2000 years old.  Thus, it is the oldest town in Germany. 

It’s not only special for its age; it has also been the home of six Roman emperors.  Naturally, that means Trier is home to an august array of ancient oddments, many of which are also perfectly preserved.  For example, the Porta Nigra (or Black Gate), a critical component in the city. 

(Continued on next page)



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