
22. Europa-Park, Rust 

Popular Europa-Park is both fun and educational.  It is found in a top resort and it looks like a tiny version of Europe.  Irrespective of your age, race, or gender, there is something here for everyone to enjoy.  Sample some freshly baked bread from the quaint “Quartier Francais”, visit the popular Russian MIR space station, see Italy’s hot spots, then head for the Silverstone Race Track where you can take a riotous ride in a Formula 1 racing car. 

23. Brandenburger Tor, Berlin

Superficially, Brandenburg Gate in Germany appears to be nothing more than a large gate.  Ah, but there’s a story behind this specific gate.  Before the demise of the Berlin Wall, this 60-meter (197 foot) tall gate was found near the end of Unter den Linden.  Thus, it was part of the physical separation between the city’s east and west sides.  Today it is seen as more of a towering trademark of peace and unity for people all over the world.

(Continued on next page)



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