24. BMW Museum, Munich
Munich’s popular BMW Museum is a fine example of cutting-edge architecture. Both the exterior and interior indicate that manufacturing BMWs is about more than just prestige. It’s also about using personal expression and artistry to somehow merge inspiration with reality. Regardless of your level of automotive interest or knowledge, veteran visitors say when you leave the museum, you will have a new respect for the industry.
25. Modelleisenbahn Miniatur Wunderland, Hamburg
The Modelleisenbahn Miniatur Wunderland (Miniature Wonderland) is in the city of Hamburg, Germany. It includes 11 kilometers (6.84 miles) of miniature train track and travels through the USA, Scandinavia, the famous Swiss Alps, and, of course, several different places in Germany. You will find that everything here has been built with great care and is highly detailed from the trains and train stations to the little trees that line the train tracks. It is the largest of its kind and is valued at $12.5 million.
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