
5.  Aachen Cathedral, Aachen

This famous Roman Catholic church, also known as the “Imperial Cathedral”, this place of worship was inspired by churches then located in the Eastern Holy Roman Empire.  It was consecrated in the year 805.  It is officially the oldest cathedral in northern Europe.  From 936 through 1531, this cathedral witnessed a total of 42 coronations: 30 German kings and 12 German queens.  Since the Middle Ages, it has been additionally adorned, thus making it a complex architectural masterpiece.

6. Sylt, Schleswig-Holstein

Sylt is one of the North Frisian Islands in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein.  Veteran visitors often refer to it as the “St. Tropez of the North” and sometimes call it serene because it features a relaxed atmosphere, peaceful  picturesque lighthouses, lots of sunshine, and soft sand dunes.  It blends world-class glamor and flourishing nature. 

Here you’ll discover enthralling scenery and tranquil coves and classy boutiques and busy restaurants.  Waves of tourists arrive on these shores every summer.

(Continued on next page)



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