
9. The Würzburg Residence, Würzburg 

The Würzburg Residence in Würzburg is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  The famous Archbishop Johan von Schonborn was reportedly obstinate regarding his construction requirements and thus this luxurious, unique building was constructed in the Baroque style of architecture.  A team of the most successful architects from Austria, France, and Germany was enlisted to create this impressive, U-shaped palace.  It has a total of 300 rooms and is surrounded by impressive, impeccably groomed gardens as well.

10. The Upper Middle Rhine Valley

Online sources indicate that the Middle Rhine Valley has played an important part in many cultural transitions between the Mediterranean and the north for centuries.  Indeed, it has served as one of the most important transportation routes in all of Europe.  Perhaps most interestingly, the upper 65-kilometer (40-mile) stretch truly reflects a sense of harmony between man and his environment.  It is highlighted by old, historic towns, idyllic, strong castles, and sun-soaked vineyards.

(Continued on next page)



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