
11.  The Dresden Elbe Valley,  Saxony

The Dresden Elbe Valley in Saxony is both a throng of exciting events and unpretentious natural beauty.  This little 20-kilometer (12.5 miles) stretch of the valley combines nature with culture and makes it a perfect place for a weekend getaway.  This soothing and yet stimulating spot features bucolic villages, colossal bridges, historic centers, magnificent churches, and towering castles.  Despite being bombed in 1945, it remains a special mix of culture, economics, education, and politics.

12. Cologne Cathedral, Cologne

It took almost 600 years to build the famous Cologne Cathedral.  Interestingly, even later additions emulated the original ancient design.  Truly a marvel of engineering, it was deemed an official UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996.  Situated on the former site of an old Roman temple from the 300s, it is elaborately decorated and is now home to a stunning trio of golden-crowned skulls believed to be from none other than the famous Three Magi.

(Continued on next page)



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