
13. The Wies Church, Bavaria

The Wies Church is another UNESCO World Heritage Site.  No one is certain why this humble-looking whitewashed building was built in the middle of nowhere.    The interior will surprise you.  There is a definite incongruity between the raw, rugged outside surroundings and the surprisingly intricate interior.  Be sure to get a good look at the famous crying portrait of the Scourged Saviour in all its spiritual glory to complete the overall experience of your visit.   

14. Museum Island, Berlin

Museumsinsel, or Museum Island, is a group of buildings from the 1800s.  Built in the neoclassical style of architecture, this is the most portentous museum complex on the planet.  It’s located on the tip of the isle in the shining Spree River.  These five museums host grand collections of both historical and ethnological and historical commodities and a gorgeous group of gorgeous art pieces such as beautiful Byzantine and antique items and numerous stunning sculptures.

(Continued on next page)



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