
15. The Old Town Of Regensburg, Regensburg

Founded by the ancient Romans back in 179 A.D., this city is a prosperous place of culture and trade.  The old town is the best preserved medieval city in the country.  Stroll through this UNESCO World Heritage Site and take in the German artistry, history, and romanticism.  Unscathed by several wars, this “outdoor museum” remains brilliantly preserved.  See the churches, towers, and patrician houses as you journey through the Middle Ages.

16. Sanssouci Park, Potsdam

The park’s name, Sanssouci, is essentially sans souci meaning “without worries.”  This park used to be a mere terraced garden used by famous Frederick the Great.  It was here he would try to forget all his royal burdens.

He had a large home built here for his convenience.  It would be followed by other structures as time passed.  The orchard was turned into a rather extensive park and soon the property included luxurious palaces with expertly landscaped gardens.

(Continued on next page)



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