
17. Old Town of Quedlinburg, Quedlinburg 

This town dates back to the time of the Carolingian Dynasty in the 800s.  Once little more than a group of wee villages, it is now a valuable source of history and romance for any and all who come here.  Explore the cobblestoned streets past multi-colored houses and decorative old-day tenements, flowered gardens, and truly Instagramable temples as well.

18. The Weimar Museums, Weimar 

Weimar used to be a hot spot for the likes of Bach, Goethe, Liszt, Nietzsche, Schiller, and others.  Today it’s a place for travelers with intellectual leanings.  There are several noteworthy museums in this 1,000-year-old town.  This unofficial “center for German Enlightenment” includes awesome architecture, too.  This is a great place to get a little education on your vacation. 

(Continued on next page)



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