2What You Should Know Before You Go Tubing

Use common sense . . .
As we have previously noted in another article, a lot of what you need to know before you go river tubing simply involves using common sense. This is true of any outdoor activity or adventure.
The Weather
Research the weather before booking or scheduling your event. Check the weather before leaving too. Check on any river conditions that could potentially make your trip unsafe.
Consider An Organized Excursion
Booking an organized tubing excursion is a good idea. A professional company can map out your trip. They will taxi you to your drop-off point upriver.
They will provide all safety equipment (such as life jackets) and pre-tubing instructions and advice. The company will also provide the inner tubes.

If You DIY . . .
If you simply must go with a DIY tubing trip, there are some things you will need to remember. Plan on going with a group of people. Drawing is an obvious danger when one goes river tubing so it is a good idea to have other people with you who can phone for help if need be. Be sure you and everyone in your group wear a good, correctly-sized life jacket every minute you are in the river. This is extremely important if you are taking children, people who can’t swim, or if you are planning or drinking alcohol or using recreational marijuana.
Additionally, you will need to do a lot of homework prior to your trip. You’ll have to research the river you want to go floating down, being sure to check for any risks such as rapids. Since you’ll be launching your tubes from somewhere upstream of your final destination, you’ll also have to plan on having transportation not only to the launch spot but from your final destination to your vehicles at the launch spot.
Since you will be going with at least one or two other people, you could take two cars and park one at your launch spot and one at your final destination. Mind you, since you’ll be taking all your own equipment including inner tubes you’ll probably need at least one of those vehicles to be a truck/SUV.
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[…] adventure that you will never forget. So pack your swimsuits and water shoes and get ready to rock the river… lazily, that […]