3What To Take With You When You Go River Tubing

Whether you are going to go out river tubing for just a couple of hours or going to make a day of it, there are several things you should be sure not to forget:


Wear a swimsuit and a tee-shirt too. You’ll also need some type of water shoes. (Old sneakers work well here.) You will also want cheap sunglasses, a hat, and sunscreen. Top off your outfit with an appropriately-sized life jacket.  

Additional Supplies

You will also want to pack snacks, drinking water, sunscreen, at least one cell phone, driver’s licenses, and/or ID and money in a waterproof bag. You should also have at least one cooler for your water and any other beverages or food you wish to keep cold. You’ll also need to pack a towel, a dry pair of shoes, a change of clothing, and even a pair of socks so that you can change into a dry outfit after your ride. (No point in driving/riding home in wet clothing.)

river tubing

You should also take a small first aid kit in case someone gets bitten by some annoying bug or cut by a sharp rock or piece of driftwood. If you have a waterproof radio, take that along too so you can listen to music, sports, or even the local news while you float down the river.  

Again, remember that if you do not go river tubing through an outfitter, you will also have to bring your own inner tubes too. While some do-it-yourself tubers have used pool floats, these things are apt to easily pop and can leave the user tubeless for the remainder of the journey. If you insist on going the DIY route, purchase some sturdy, reliable inner tubes.  

Additionally, an extra tube or two for your cooler and other supplies is also a great idea. Some outfitters might even provide you with rope if you wish to tie your tubes together. Bring your own rope and a pocket knife in case you want to tie the tubes together but are not provided with any rope. 

(Continued on next page)



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