The Royal Cruising Society has several thousand members who are very serious about the pursuit of cruising. They have a six star system in place for rating all cruises. At present only three cruises have earned the coveted six stars. What is the criteria for being a six star cruises? Cabins, service and food served on board.
These cruises are known to spoil their guests with luxurious amenities (think rich textiles and décor) usually found in five properties and boutique hotels. The food is on par with a Michelin star restaurant and the service is impeccable. They have completely fine tuned the art of pampering their guests with unmatched comforts and service.
Yes, you’ll never be waiting in endless buffet queues or dealing with hordes of people looking to try the same service. Click On the Next Button to See Next.
It’s a very beautifull place. ☺