Home World Travel The Most Mysterious Places In Europe

The Most Mysterious Places In Europe



3.  Crooked Forest, Poland

The appropriately christened Crooked Forest in Gryfino, south of Szczecin. These 400 pine trees are not like any others on the planet. Each one has a bent, sweeping trunk. Numerous arboriculturists have different opinions as to what created this odd, otherworldly landscape. Some suggest strong snowstorms caused this, others point to local lumberjacks experimenting with growing techniques, but none have proven anything.

4.  Blue Grotto, Italy

Travel to the isle of Capri where you can explore a stunning sea cave that some say is “in a league of its own.” This grand grotto, nearly too narrow to enter, gives off a gorgeous glow that the locals credit to some sort of blue meanie. Indeed, the magical monsters here once frightened them so much they avoided it entirely.

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