
7.  Devil’s Bridge, Germany

Riddle me this! Why is this idyllic attraction in Kromlau Park named Devil’s Bridge? Answer: This local landmark in Saxony is said to have been set up by none other than Satan himself. The Saxons say the perfect semi-circle bridge built it and then immediately “claimed the soul of the first” person to cross it as a perverse prize for his wicked work. To this day, no one is permitted to walk on it.

8.  The Giant’s Causeway, Northern Ireland

Fans of the rock band Led Zeppelin will recognize this mysterious place. Head for the comely coast of County Antrim to get a gander at the natural treasure known as the Giant’s Causeway. The site spans 173 acres and includes about 40,000 interlocking basalt columns that appear to slowly disappear into the sea. Still, right across the water, is Scotland’s own Isle of Staffa. There, you’ll see similar columns as if they all were once part of a single formation.

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