
9.  Fingal’s Cave, United Kingdom

Legend has it that two giants, Benandonner and Finn McCool built a road joining Scotland and Northern Ireland so they could meet for a fight. McCool disguised himself as an infant. Upon seeing the baby’s size, Benandonner figured Finn would be too large to fight. He rushed back to Scotland, wrecking the connecting road as he went. In fact, the columns in Fingal’s Cave on the famous Isle of Staffa were created by an ages-old volcanic eruption.

10.  Pindus Mountain and Vikos Gorge, Greece

Pindus Mountain has been called both “surreal” and “mesmerizing.” Here you can explore what the Guinness World Records book reports to be the world’s deepest gorge, Vikos Gorge. You’ll also find crystal-clear Dragon Lake. According to Greek folklore, a pair of large dragons once resided in the mountains. In the midst of a battle, they tossed huge rocks down into the valley, creating the body of water below.

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