44.  Marble Caves, Chile and Argentina

Located in Patagonia, the Marble Caves is a group of unusual islands with openings that lead to intriguing tunnels, columns, and caverns of marble formed by the wave action from the waters of Lake General Carrera. Take a boat through the cavernous chambers and see the swirling grey and blue patterns of the labyrinthine walls and the turquoise water. Witness as the bright sunlight peeks in to make the crystals on the walls brightly shimmer and the azure water sparkle.


  1. You need to check out the “Cuevas de Drach” in Mallorca, Spain!!!! Beautiful natural caves.

  2. The name sounds familiar. Perhaps I wrote about it elsewhere. Perhaps someone else from Spain mentioned it? Doe it get a lot of press?
    At any rate, thanks for reading my stuff and thanks for the comment!


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