22. The Ice Cave, Russia

Many seasoned travelers already know all about the remarkable crystalline ice caves in Iceland, Austria, and other parts of the planet. Ah, but the stunning ice cave found on near the Mutnovsky Volcano on the Kamchatka Peninsula, is unique. It juxtaposes fire and ice.

The cave is carved out of a giant glacier by a local underground river originating from a hot spring that rises from the famous volcano. The ceiling and walls are composed of compacted snow. It includes icy windows and an almost see-through roof so the beams of light bring out several undulating, vivid colors.


  1. You need to check out the “Cuevas de Drach” in Mallorca, Spain!!!! Beautiful natural caves.

  2. The name sounds familiar. Perhaps I wrote about it elsewhere. Perhaps someone else from Spain mentioned it? Doe it get a lot of press?
    At any rate, thanks for reading my stuff and thanks for the comment!


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